Still Available!

Cover of Never Turn a Blind Eye CD


Back cover of Never Turn a Blind Eye CD


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This sixth album primarily features songs of the sea, most of them either adapted for singing from vintage poems by myself, or composed by myself. The poets include Cicely Fox Smith, Rudyard Kipling, and Hiram Cody. Included are songs of disaster, survival, and adventure. There are also songs of tribute to sailors, to their ships, and to the men who worked fitting them out. Other songs are river songs, and a few are hard to categorize. Songs are either acapella or accompanied with 5-string banjo, Anglo concertina, fiddle and guitar. Where there is a chorus or refrain, I or my friends have provided harmony.

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Notes about the Songs


Lyrics and Samples
of the songs on the CD

cover of CD with link to lyrics


To all who sail vintage ships,
in fair or foul weather

If you have any questions, please get in touch.

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